I was watching my two younger boys in the gray twilight hours of
early morning. They had each chosen a puzzle to work—or, more accurately, the
4yo had chosen a puzzle, the 1yo had requisitioned it for himself, & the
4yo had moved to the floor with a different puzzle.
The 4yo was doing an alphabet puzzle, singing a song about the
letters and their sounds as he made it up. The 1yo was standing in a chair,
leaning over the table, taking a car puzzle piece & driving it along the
top edge of the puzzle lid with "vrooms" & bumps. Each was so
intent, so focused, they were oblivious to me there watching.
As I watched, I thought of all that raising children entails—the
feeding, diapering, kissing ouches, math lessons and reading lessons...
But here they are, doing
things without me, in spite of me, oblivious to me.
And I saw a new thing that mothers do: step back, give space. Let
our children become.
It's so much more than a flower, but it reminds me of the process—of
planting, watering, waiting for the seed that grows in the darkness. Watching
the green sprouts curl upward toward the light. And for all we do with watering
cans and dirt, there is a point at which you can see the Hand-of-God, the
Not-You of it all, when you can see the bud break open and blossom.
Simple and beautiful... profound and lovely!